Friday 8 August 2014

Welcome to the Conference Stage! Organising the Perfect Event

Organising a corporate event or conference is a significant project which requires good organisation and planning.

Get Your Project Plan in Place
If you've been tasked with the responsibility of organising an important event for your company, it is well worth developing a project plan and breaking down each activity or requirement into a series of detailed steps. Use strong project-management methodologies and assign start and finish dates and durations for each task, as well as an owner and a cost for each. Regularly monitor progress and flag up any areas of concern where tasks have slipped, making sure you have a contingency plan for each.

Ascertain Your Budget
Check that you are clear on the available budget before you commit to suppliers for the event. When planning, allow for a 10pc excess on spend at least, and ensure that you contact more than one supplier where possible for quotes to ensure that you are getting the best prices.

Plan Well in Advance
If you need to book a venue or high-profile speaker to appear on the conference stage, make sure you do these activities early on, as they may get booked up at busy periods.

Get Help
Conference organisation requires a great deal of work and a range of skills, whether you are ascertaining the creative and branding for the conference stage, planning logistics with caterers or organising VIP guests, so ascertain where you can get additional resources to help you with the job. A small team is ideal for such a task.

Dress the Stage
The conference stage is the focal point of your event, so make sure it will be appropriately branded and provide a superb visual effect. Good materials to include for the conference stage include pull-up stands, banners, audio-visual equipment, good lighting and a strong colour scheme. The conference organisers may be able to help you with the planning requirements for this space and help you to make the best use of it.

Send Invitations Early
Organise your invitee list early on and send out invitations as soon as possible — either contacting individuals directly and personally or sending an invitations, depending on the event and who they are.

An events agency can also help you to put on the ideal event if your budget allows you to outsource elements of the work involved.

Contact us if you need some more information or advice.

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